A dia d’avui, m’adono d’una necessitat, la Política del Tacte. Què vol dir política? Què vol dir tacte? Potser dues paraules en tensió?... Potser una excusa per posar-nos en con-tacte?

M’estic adonant, cada vegada més, de la immensitat de teories i discursos amb els que les persones fàcilment podem caure camuflats. Dogmatismes que ens esborren?

Algú té ganes de ser-hi?

Llenço aquesta “Página de CON-TACTO” com a invitació a comunicar-nos en un altre llenguatge que ens permeti (als que estem d’alguna manera vinculats a l’Acadèmia) pensar i alhora moure’ns en “territoris de goma d’esborrar”

de tocar TACTE de tenir cura

hi ha altres capes per conèixer?

hi ha altres capes per conèixer?

dissabte, 29 de novembre del 2008

un libro

Eo! mira el libro que te había comentado:

Montagu, Ashley(2004) El tacto. La importancia de la piel en las relaciones humanas. Barcelona: Paidós.

Me han recomendado mucho. A ver que te parece.

1 comentari:

  1. Cuca! gràcies. L'haurem de buscar aquest llibre. Jo ara n'estic llegint un que em sembla molt bo pel moment. Us passo la referència:

    Flanagan, M.; Booth, A. (ed.) (2006): Re-skin. Massachussets Institute of Technology.

    Us regalo alguns fragments:

    "Is skin all we have? In re-skin, the authors conduct a multidisciplinary inquiry into such boundaries and borders or surfaces, of skin, by incorporating and implicating the methapor, the physicality, and cultural narratives of skin. Skin is methapor for borders. Is skin surface or interior? Donna Haraway, for one, rejects the boundary condition established by such a binary: "Why should our bodies end at the skin or include at best other beings encapsulated by skin? (1991, 178). In its complicated formulations, skin is both boundary and surface, a place where identity is both revealed and concealed. We may wonder, how can such boundaries be mapped and activated? This volume is designed to question the effects of technology and gender in creating the intersections of art and technology and the body. In the pieces gathered here, skin is the ultimate site for negotiating our relationship with the world" (p.3)

    "The pleasure of skin swapping and the intimacy of skin are explored in Nalo Hopkinson's short story (chapter 7). In it, lovers Clive and Issy explore each other's sexual sensations as well as larger relationship issues through their Senstim skin-like bodysuits. 'The world could stand to have more stories in it told from female, black and Caribbean contexts, and I know what it is like to live inside a skin tat is marked as such' said Hopkinson. 'Throughout the Caribbean, under different names,you'll fins stories about people who aren't what they seem. Skin gives these skin folk their human shape. When the skin comes off, their true selves emerge. And always, whatever the burden their skin bears, once their remove them -once they get under their own skins- they can fly"
